How Long Do I Have to Wait After My Botched Labiaplasty for a Revision?

While unfortunate, it is not uncommon for labiaplasty surgery to fall short of the patient’s expectations when performed by a lesser experienced surgeon.
For women who are unsatisfied with their labia after a surgical procedure, labiaplasty revision can help.
However, following all post-op instructions and allowing enough time for proper healing before seeking a labiaplasty revision is essential.
Wait at Least Five Months After Labiaplasty Before Choosing Another Surgery
While you may be able to recognize a problem much sooner, you should wait at least five months after your initial labiaplasty for the new blood supply to be established and for swelling to subside.
A common mistake made by both patients and surgeons is attempting to repair a botched labiaplasty too quickly, which can lead to further problems and the removal of too much tissue.
What is a Botched Labiaplasty?
A botched labia can be characterized by experiencing the following issues:
- Discomfort that persists after healing is complete.
- The labia look unnatural because too much tissue was removed.
- The vaginal lips are still bigger than desired because too little tissue was removed.
- The vaginal lips are uneven due to the surgeon’s inexperience or a problem during the healing process.
- A hematoma has developed due to an improper technique. The hematoma can interfere with adequate healing and lead to a step deformity (an interruption of the desired smooth labia contour).
What Is Revision Labiaplasty?
After allowing sufficient time for your initial labiaplasty to heal, you can consider labia revision. This procedure involves one or more techniques to restore or remove more labia tissue and improve its appearance and comfort.
Labiaplasties performed by inexperienced surgeons can result in various deformities. Thankfully, in most cases, a labiaplasty revision specialist can restore a natural appearance by using advanced surgical techniques.
Removing Additional Labia Tissue
When not enough tissue was originally removed, a revision can be easily performed by a qualified plastic surgeon and often involves using the wedge technique as developed by Dr. Gary Alter.
Rather than trimming the edges of the labia, this technique employs a wedge incision and the rejoining of the modified labia minora (inner vaginal lips).
A scalloped or scarred labium may be corrected by trimming or suturing it.
Reconstructing the Labia
The ability to successfully reconstruct a labia that has had too much tissue removed is far more complex. This procedure requires the hands of a highly experienced and skilled plastic surgeon to produce good results and preserve the blood supply.
Tissue from the clitoral hood is often used to reconstruct the labium, or for a mild deformity, fat can be injected into a small labium.
Beverly Hills Labiaplasty Revision Specialist
Dr. Gary Alter is a world-renowned labiaplasty and revision specialist who has developed advanced techniques that many plastic surgeons use to deliver better results than traditional methods.
If you are looking for a labiaplasty revision expert in or near Beverly Hills, California, call (310) 275-5566 to reach Dr. Alter’s office today!Check out some frequently asked questions about labiaplasty and labiaplasty revision here.