How Is Labiaplasty Revision Recovery Different From the Initial Surgery?

After being dissatisfied with the results of your initial labiaplasty, it is understandable that you may be hesitant to sign-up for a second procedure with another recovery period.
Any revision procedure comes with additional concerns: How will this surgery be different? What if I am unhappy again? Will this recovery be more challenging than the first?
Knowing what to expect after surgery may help patients feel more comfortable returning to the operating table.
Most botched labiaplasties were unsuccessful because the surgeon either used inappropriate techniques — for the patient’s needs — or techniques that they were not skilled enough to perform.
This is why it is important to choose a highly skilled and trained surgeon, preferably an expert in initial and revision labiaplasties.
Dr. Alter performs labiaplasty using his wedge technique — a method he pioneered and one that has been adopted by plastic surgeons worldwide (to varying degrees of success). While this technique often presents the best foundation for optimal results, there is never a guarantee, and unsatisfactory results can occur with this technique when performed by unskilled hands.
In these situations, a revision procedure is required.
What Is the Recovery Like After Labiaplasty Revision?
The recovery after labiaplasty revision is similar to that of your initial labiaplasty. However, most patients report that their revision labiaplasty was much less painful than their first surgery.
Revision labiaplasty usually falls into one of two categories. During the initial labiaplasty, either not enough tissue was removed from the labia or too much tissue was removed.
The extent of your recovery may vary depending on which of these categories you relate to and what was needed to correct the defects of the initial surgery. Dr. Alter will provide you with an accurate recovery time frame that is tailored to your needs.
Most women can return to work within one week of their labiaplasty revision surgery and only experience mild discomfort.
However, like labiaplasty, you should avoid sex for at least six weeks.
How Can I Make My Recovery Easier?
Many people wonder how they can make their recovery quicker and less painful.
While there is no way to “speed up” your recovery, there are ways to make it easier and a little more comfortable. To reduce pain, take prescription or over-the-counter pain medication as needed. You may also wish to use cold compresses to reduce swelling and minimize pain.
Use your week off work and other responsibilities as an excuse to rest. Your body is going through a lot right now.
You should be resting most of the day to promote proper healing.
How Do I Know I Will Be Happy After My Revision Surgery?
Obviously, there is no point in undergoing labiaplasty revision if you will be unhappy with your results again.
One difference between labiaplasty and a labiaplasty revision performed by Dr. Alter is that you will be satisfied this time. Nearly half of the labiaplasties Dr. Alter performs are revision cases.
He is an expert on this surgery and has invented many of the revision techniques used by others. This gives him a unique perspective and the knowledge to correct even the toughest of botched surgeries.
After your revision surgery, many women discover that their labia not only look better in and out of clothing but feel more comfortable. Revision surgery often minimizes the long, painful scars from the initial procedure, and you can get back to the activities you love.
If your labiaplasty left you unhappy with your results, you do not have to live with the pain and scars forever.
Interested in Learning More?
If you are interested in learning more about labiaplasty revision and its recovery, please contact Dr. Alter by calling 310-275-5566 or filling out our online contact form.