Are You Stuck With a Botched Labiaplasty?

If you are unhappy with your labiaplasty surgery and think there is nothing you can do about it, there is good news.
While the last thing you want to do is trust another plastic surgeon who does labiaplasty occasionally, as one of many cosmetic procedures, a labiaplasty specialist may be able to help.
Choosing Your Labiaplasty Revision Surgeon
A board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in genital procedures typically has perfected their craft and is experienced with tissue flaps and advanced incision techniques.
After one failed labiaplasty, you’ll want to know as much as possible about your new doctor. Don’t be shy, as it’s crucial to ask questions and even look at before and after photos to assess their skill.
Experience Matters in Genital Surgery
Many botched labiaplasties involve removing too much tissue, making revision a challenge.
That is why you want a specialist who has dealt with this problem numerous times before and has the expertise to restore labial tissue and produce the results you initially desired.
Your new surgeon will need to be skilled at moving genital tissue around without negatively affecting blood flow in the area.
Labiaplasty Revision Techniques
The results of your labiaplasty revision depend on the techniques used by the surgeon. As a leading labiaplasty specialist, Dr. Gary Alter has created innovative methods of reconstructing the labia, even when the previous doctor removes too much tissue.
Revision labiaplasty may include one or more of the following techniques.
- The labia can be reconstructed using the remaining labia tissue.
- A gap can be repaired through excision and joining the edges together.
- A scalloped labium can be trimmed, tightened, or removed with a wedge excision.
- Labia can be recreated using clitoral hood tissue when necessary.
- A clitoral hood can be reattached for normal positioning.
- A large, wide, hanging, or protruding clitoral hood can be recontoured with a clitoropexy. This procedure removes extra skin and re-positions the clitoris.
Why Did My Previous Labiaplasty Fail?
It’s hard to know why a labiaplasty fails, but more often than not, it’s due to a lack of skill and the popularity of the trim method of labia reduction among less experienced surgeons.
Common problems with the trim method can often be avoided by using the wedge technique, which delivers more reliable and comfortable results.
If you are experiencing pain due to a botched labiaplasty, a revision surgery can often help restore the comfort and aesthetic you want.
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and Urologist in Beverly Hills Specializing in Botched or Failed Labiaplasties
Dr. Gary J. Alter is a specialist who performs corrective labiaplasty or revision in Beverly Hills, California, and is well-respected worldwide as a pioneer in reconstructive labiaplasty. Dr. Alter also has offices in New York to serve patients on both coasts.
You don’t have to live with a botched labiaplasty — Dr. Alter can help! Call (310) 275-5566 for our Beverly Hills office or (212) 321-0749 for our New York office. You can also connect with us online by clicking here.