Why Should I Choose a Board-Certified Specialist for My Labiaplasty Revision?

Recently, treatments have been available for various feminine genital wellness health issues, and more doctors in more areas are offering these kinds of services.
This is good news for women, especially those who don’t live close to a major city, where genital health procedures have been more accessible.
However, many cosmetic surgeons and OB/GYNs offer specific female wellness treatments, including labiaplasty, even though they don’t possess the skill and experience needed to produce satisfying results consistently.
How Common Are Botched Labiaplasties?
While a handful of skilled and experienced labiaplasty specialists perform this procedure, they are outnumbered by less experienced providers who offer discounted labiaplasty surgery.
With many women receiving labiaplasty procedures from inadequately trained surgeons and gynecologists, it’s no wonder this complex surgery is so often botched.
A California Northstate University School of Medicine report estimates that “well over a thousand women suffer from botched labiaplasties every year. This number is likely to grow, as labiaplasty is the fastest-growing cosmetic surgery in the world.”
The trim method is commonly used by less-qualified doctors and increases the risk of significant scarring, too much tissue being removed, and other complications.
Correcting a Botched Labiaplasty
Because initial labiaplasty is so often unsatisfactory, the last thing you want to do is choose another less-than-qualified provider when seeking a labiaplasty revision.
While labiaplasty specialists may be somewhat hard to find, locating a surgeon skilled and experienced in labiaplasty revision can be even more challenging.
However, taking the time to locate a labiaplasty revision specialist is well worth it.
How to Find a Labiaplasty Revision Specialist
If your labiaplasty did not produce the desired results, or worse yet, you are experiencing complications that interfere with intimacy or daily life, a revision is the only solution.
It is essential to undergo labiaplasty revision with a board-certified plastic surgeon, extensively trained in genital surgery and with years of experience performing in this specialty.
Research experienced labiaplasty revision specialists in your area or closest to you. You may need to travel for your procedure to receive the best care.
Your Top Labiaplasty Revision Specialist is in Beverly Hills, CA
Dr. Gary Alter is a Beverly Hills labiaplasty revision surgeon, double-board certified in plastic surgery and urology, specializing in genital procedures.
A leader in his field, Dr. Alter is best known for pioneering the wedge labiaplasty technique, which has been adapted worldwide and reduces the risk of complications often related to the trim method. He also invented and published techniques to reconstruct failed labiaplasties, including making labia from excess clitoral hood tissue.
The wedge technique can be used for both labiaplasty and labiaplasty revision. When choosing a plastic surgeon, you should choose a specialist with experience in the procedure you plan to receive.
This is especially true of delicate procedures like labiaplasty and labiaplasty revision which require great precision to achieve ideal results.
Call Dr. Alter’s Beverly Hills office at (310) 275-5566 or contact our Beverly Hills labiaplasty revision specialist online.
Looking for Labiaplasty Revision in New York?
Dr. Alter can also perform labiaplasty revision in New York City. Call us today at (212)-321-0749 to schedule your consultation.