When Can I Have Sex After Labiaplasty Revision?

Whether your labiaplasty revision was for medical reasons, aesthetics, or both, you’re likely to notice a boost in self-confidence. Feeling comfortable in how you look and feel makes a big difference in your sex life, and successful procedures have over a 90 percent satisfaction rate.
You’ll need time to recover from your surgery before you dive back in, though. Therefore, it helps to know what to expect and how long you’ll need to wait.
What Should I Expect From My Recovery?
Soreness, Itching, Bruising, and Swelling Are Common in the First Two Weeks
Keep an eye on your incisions for any signs of infection, but don’t be alarmed if things don’t look quite right.
Bruising and swelling can change the look of the affected area, and it takes a couple of weeks for it to lessen. The soreness and itching will subside as well. If they don’t, let your doctor know. About 80% of the swelling is gone at 6 weeks with all swelling resolved at 5 months.
You Can Likely Return to Work Within a Week
Many women report only mild discomfort after their labiaplasty revision. Following a week off to rest and heal, you should feel okay going back to work. Just remember to avoid any heavy lifting or physical activity for at least four weeks.
When Can I Have Sex?
Six to Eight Weeks Is Recommended
Your doctor will let you know when it’s okay to start having sexual intercourse. Typically incisions are healed enough after six to eight weeks.
You May Need More Time
It’s okay if you aren’t ready to resume sex after the recommended recovery time. Call your doctor with any questions or concerns about lingering issues. Confidence is a big part of enjoyable sex, and it’s alright to wait until you feel it.
How Can I Speed Up My Recovery?
Follow All Your Doctor’s Instructions
Follow the advice of your doctor for when you can return to work, physical activity, and sex. Take prescribed medications exactly as directed, and be sure to follow any instructions about keeping the site of the surgery clean and dry.
Call your doctor immediately if you experience heavy bleeding, a high fever, significant pain that isn’t helped by medicine, or excessive redness or drainage.
Rest and Relax
Your body needs rest in order to heal. Pushing yourself too hard could lengthen the healing process or cause complications. Stress will also slow recovery times, so relax and engage in some self-care.
Use Pain Medications and Cold Compresses as Needed
Take prescribed pain medication or ask your doctor about over-the-counter medication for relief. Cold compresses in the area of your surgery can help reduce both pain and swelling. Be sure not to keep it on for more than fifteen minutes at a time so as not to damage your skin.
Find Out If Labiaplasty Revision is Right for You
Contact Dr. Alter at 310-275-5566 or fill out our online contact form for more information about labiaplasty revision surgery.